Our beliefs
We believe:
- God the Father
We believe in One God who is eternal, all-powerful, ever-present, all-knowing and self-existent. He is Father, Son and Holy Spirit. As Creator, we believe our universe and lives have their origin in Him.
- Jesus the Son of God
We believe Jesus was the Son of God in human form, fully God and fully man. Born of a virgin, Jesus who came to show us the way back to God, lived a sinless life, and died on the cross to redeem (save) all people. He rose from the dead after three days and later ascended to heaven with the promise that one day He will return to reign as King.
- The person of the Holy Spirit
We believe in the person of the Holy Spirit, given as a Comforter and Teacher, guiding us into God’s truth and forming Jesus within us. The Holy Spirit brings revelation and by filling us with His divine power He enables us to share a message of grace and demonstrate His supernatural goodness.
- The Bible
We believe the Bible is God-breathed and brought to us through the partnership of human authors and divine inspiration. It forms the foundation for our beliefs, teaching us Kingdom values and giving instruction, guidance, comfort, hope and reassurance.
- The Church
We believe the Church is a community of people called by God’s grace and built on the truth that Jesus is the Son of God. Its purpose is to walk out the kingdom of God on earth, to express and share the love of God to all people through its worship and application of biblical principles and lifestyle.
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