Prayer week 2022

We’re on the start line of a new year and we want to begin 2022 in the best way possible – with a week of prayer to commit the next 12 months to God and to seek his will and purpose as we move forward at St Paul’s. Starting on Monday, January 10, we...

Compassion sponsorship

As a fellowship, we believe no child should live in poverty. Poverty takes away the opportunities most children have a right – to grow up strong and healthy. That’s why St Paul’s is getting behind Compassion, a Christian charity which makes a difference in the...
Peaks4Pounds challenge 2018

Peaks4Pounds challenge 2018

Last Christmas St Paul’s hosted a community banquet – more than 100 folk from local communities attended. We had a community Christmas choir entertaining us and some magnificent food and fun together. Locals are still talking about it now! This year it’s going...

Thy Kingdom Come

What are you doing on the evening of Sunday May 20th? Why? You may well ask. Well it is Penetcost Sunday. So is there going to be a church service at St Paul’s then? Actually no there isn’t. In fact there will not be an evening services at the majority of...

Christmas Services and Events 2015

Our theme for Christmas 2015 is “The Coming King”. We have a number of special events planned – including our Celebration of Christmas by Candlelight on Sunday 20 December, starting at 6.30pm. Come along and join us as we sing traditional Christmas...

Baptisms this Sunday Oct 18th

Baptism this Sunday we have another Baptism and dedication service here at St Paul’s, during our morning service at 10:15. Come along enjoy the experience of those committing their lives to the Lord. There is refreshments before and service. If you went to get...
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