Thy Kingdom Come

What are you doing on the evening of Sunday May 20th? Why? You may well ask. Well it is Penetcost Sunday. So is there going to be a church service at St Paul’s then? Actually no there isn’t. In fact there will not be an evening services at the majority of...

40 Days of prayer 2015 Sept 2-Oct 11

The leadership team at St Paul’s Church Worcester is inviting everyone who is part of the church community to take part in 40 days of prayer at the start of the Autumn. The “40 Days” will start with the church being transformed for an interactive event called “I grow...

Weekly Prayer May 31st

ST PAULS WEEKLY PRAYER TEXT. The writer to the Hebrews urges Christians not to neglect meeting together. He knew that isolation was a danger to the soul and coming together was a powerful expression of unity and the Kingdom of God.  There is power in partnership as we...

Weekly Prayer April 20th

ST PAUL’S WORCESTER WEEKLY PRAYER TEXT IS BACK! Colossians 1:15 ‘He is the image of the invisible God.’ If you want to know what God looks like have a look at Jesus. If you feel God is silent try reading a little from the Gospels as this is where...

Weekly Prayer March 10th

ST PAUL’S WEEKLY PRAYER TEXT. John 8:12 ‘I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.’ At times we can feel like life is all a bit dark right now. Things go against us. Stuff happens....

Weekly Prayer March 3rd

ST PAUL’S WEEKLY PRAYER TEXT. Hebrews 4:15 ‘We do not have a high priest who is unable to empathise with our weaknesses.’ Whatever you are walking through and however weak you might feel we know that there is one who empathises rather than condemns...
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