Christmas Services, Events 2014

This year’s seasonal advert for Sainsbury’s has the message “Christmas is for sharing”. At St. Paul’s this year, we want to share the real meaning of Christmas – the fantastic good news that God so loved the world that He gave His only son. God himself became human, to bring salvation to a world that had turned its back on Him. At Christmas we celebrate the birth of Jesus, the Saviour of the World, the Prince of Peace.

On Thursday 18th December, we invite everyone to come and join us as we sing carols outide the Costa Coffee Shop in St Martin’s Gate, near the Asda supermarket. We will be there from 7pm, entertaining the late-night shoppers, and handing out invitations to our Christmas services.

On Sunday 21st December we will have a short family service with communion in the morning (10.15am), then at 6.30pm we will be holding our annual Candlelit Celebration of Christmas. With traditional carols alongside new arrangements of Christmas songs, this special evening will capture the excitement and anticipation of the Christmas season.

The St Paul’s CityCare team are organising a Crib Service aimed at children on Tuesday 23rd December at 4pm. Parents, grandparents and carers are welcome too, of course! We will be telling the story of the Nativity with one or two surprises along the way.

At 11pm on Christmas Eve, we will be holding a communion service, and then on Christmas morning there will be a special family service at 10.15am.

For more information – please contact the church office on 01905 22022, or email