
St Paul's church, Worcester 2023 image for Connect cards.

Welcome to St Paul’s Church!

Whether you’re on holiday, new to the city, trying to find a church to attend or just wondering about what goes on inside St Paul’s Church, we give you a warm welcome and hope you feel at home and enjoy your time with the St Paul’s family when you visit in person.

Please introduce yourself to one of our leaders when you are in the church (ask anyone and they’ll point you in the right direction) we’d love to have a chat with you.

We’re a city-centre Pentecostal congregation meeting in a historic Anglican building with a fine tradition of sharing the life-changing news about Jesus and supporting our local communities.

Our aim is to live in God’s grace; making His name known and seeing the lives of those we come into contact with transformed for good.

We’re a busy church and have a range of activities during the week for all ages if you want to find out more, there’s lots of information online here on our website.

If you’d like to keep in touch, use the connect button below and put the details of any other information you would like to receive, such as

      • Mid week church Activities
      • Midweek community activities
      • Children’s activities
      • Youth activities
      • Activities for our seniors
      • I’d like to know more about volunteering
      • I’d like to talk to a leader/member of the pastoral team

We look forward to hearing from you.

Dot Burnett
Lead pastor

Connect with St Paul’s

Get the St Paul’s church weekly news letter with important information.
Also request additional information on other areas of St Paul’s church in Worcester.