Little Oaks toddlers


Little Oaks Toddlers


We’ve got a great team of volunteers who would love to welcome you and your child(ren) to this very friendly toddler group.

It’s a great opportunity to get to know other parents/carers while your toddlers mix and socialise.

We have toy stations, soft play, bouncy castle, craft, dressing up, kitchen area, building area, baby area, etc and singing.

A weekly £3 charge (50p per extra child, £1 per extra adult) includes a drink, fruit and biscuits for each toddler and toast and a drink for the parent/carer.


When and where:

St Paul’s Church, term-time Mondays and Tuesdays, 10am to midday


More info:

To book a place or for more info click on the link at the bottom of the page, or call us on 01905 22022 or email


Little Oaks Toddlers Group image St Pauls church Worcester


Little Oaks Toddlers

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