Notices Jan 26th 2018

On Sunday we heard a little more about an exciting new youth project, that we are heading up in the city. We are working with a few other city centre churches, to launch Lightbox- a drop-in youth café. This is for all young people in our city, schools and churches. Our heart behind this is really to connect with young people in our community. To have a space to build positive, long-term relationships with them. Where we can practically share God’s love for them, in a really natural authentic way. We want Lightbox to be a bridge between young people in the city. With the local church- breaking down those barriers and eventually, linking these young people into some of the stuff we do here at church. Then into a relationship with Jesus. It’s really exciting stuff and only 5 weeks, until we open our doors. So we would love you to get behind this and help us spread the word…
If you’re on social media do like, follow and share our information, until people are sick of hearing about this! Grab a handful of flyers form the back of church. Give them to young people and parents you know. And equally as important, pray!

Lightbox logo lightbox advert for St Paul's church









Cafe church

This Sunday we have our first café style evening 6:30-8pm. We hope this will be a really helpful setting, for those that have questions about life or are exploring faith to come and chat. In our busy lives we don’t often make the space for these types of conversation. So do be encouraged to come along, if you have just started a journey with God and want to know more, or if you can, invite someone along who may want to talk about and explore life and faith further.

image used to advertise our new cafe style church







Citycare Hub

Yesterday evening we had our first ‘Citycare Hub’ meeting, bringing together representatives from the 13 Citycare projects, we have going on, 13 projects! – That in itself is incredible! It was wonderful to hear stories of successes, breakthrough in people’s lives and God’s transforming power at work. We were reminded that the most important part of producing good fruit, is the seed and the preparation of the ground it is planted in. We are so blessed to have such faithful and passionate volunteers. Who continually sow seeds of love, faith and the Gospel. Thank you for all that you do and give- it is so important and significant in producing the lasting fruit we long to see. For more information on all that goes on in Citycare and how you can get involved do chat to Dot Burnett, Lorna Nicholls, or check out or city care webpage here.

Other events

A couple of other events going on in the city that you may be interested in…

Free Multi Sports Activities february half term 2018

Faith in the Questions at St Georges C of E church

transgender event at St Peter's Baptist Church

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