
Oasis – led by Sally Quick 



Oasis coffee mornings are times set apart for anyone who has lost a loved one through death, divorce or separation and who may be struggling with grief or loneliness, and just wants to talk about that special person they are missing, or who simply wants to make friends.

 We also have an annual Service of Light service, usually in October. It’s a reflective service for those who have loved and lost.

This years Service of light is on October 26th from 3pm – 4pm at St Paul’s. This service is NOT recorded and will not appear on our video channels or social media.


Details can be found on our website from early October


When and where:

Monthly on the third Wednesday of each month at 10.30am at St Paul’s Church. Although from December we will be meeting every 6 weeks on a Saturday starting December 16th


More info:

Contact the church office – or 01905 22022

Citycare Oasis group image St Pauls church Worcester


Oasis  group

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