Our story

Our Story

In November 1988 as a growing congregation we took a courageous leap of faith to move from Zion Chapel in Park Street to a much larger home just 300 metres down the road at St Paul’s Church.

The historic church was completed in 1886 through the generosity of Rev. Henry Douglas and his wife who were both from privileged families.

Having already purchased land next to the existing church, which had fallen into disrepair and later demolished, they covered most of the building costs themselves, embarking on a sacrificial life and ministry to the poorest parish in Worcestershire which would span almost 30 years.

In 1914 Rev Geoffrey Studdert-Kennedy became vicar of St Pauls, later being nicknamed the famous Woodbine Willie, whilst serving as an army chaplain during World War 1 for giving Woodbine cigarettes to the soldiers he met, as well as spiritual aid to injured and dying soldiers. He was awarded the military cross and appointed chaplain to the King. He was known for his sacrificial giving to, and genuine concern for, the welfare of his parishioners.

Today we build on the legacy and true heart of Henry Douglas, Studdert Kennedy and many others who have given their lives to bring the good news of Jesus to our city: Living, loving and serving without prejudice and a heart to extend the Kingdom of God witnessing to others the grace of God and true freedom.

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