We’re on the start line of a new year and we want to begin 2022 in the best way possible – with a week of prayer to commit the next 12 months to God and to seek his will and purpose as we move forward at St Paul’s.

Starting on Monday, January 10, we have a series of daily prayer meetings which will be focused on various areas of church life and which will be hosted by church leaders.

The prayer sessions will last an hour and everyone is invited. They will be held at St Paul’s Church.

The majority are in the evenings but we have one or two taking place during the day.

If you can make time to meet with us, that would be great!

The full details are:

Monday, Jan 10: Prayer for growth within the building and in our own homes – “scattered and gathered”
Tuesday, Jan 11: Mission
Wednesday, Jan 12: 12.30pm-1.30pm: CityCare and local community. 7-8pm: Youth
Thursday, Jan 13: Church leadership and children’s ministry
Friday, Jan 14: 10am-11am: Life groups

Image for Prayer Week 2022 for St Paul's church Worcester
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