Prayer week 2023 is an opportunity to seek individually and together at the beginning of the year. We want to pray things into his hands and have His leading in all we do

Jesus says’… When we are pray…When we give… When we fast…’ Have you ever fasted because you are hungry or thirsty for more of God? This can be a time when you read up about fasting and commit to miss a meal for a day or two, or be creative as to what you fast from. Let’s come to both seek God and pray things in to His hands. There is power and the presence of the Lord when we meet together.

Over this week let each of us focus on reading psalms 34 verses 1-10. What do you feel God is saying to you? How is He encouraging you? Write them down ready to share when we come together on Saturday evening do email in how God has been encouraging you for us to share.

On Sunday we bring our Prayer week 2023 to a close with

churches Together in Worcester
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