Genesis 14. Abraham could have had an attack of the ‘poor old Mrs’ when Lot (his bother) took what seemed like the best land. God said to Abraham lift up your eyes and look to the north, south, east & west (all around you) and see the land I will give you.

When things seem to go against us or seem to go wrong or seem to be unfair – even when they happen with family or friends them LOOK UP! Look to Jesus and see his grace, kindness and mercy all around you. He has promised you life abundant. Don’t allow the poor old mes to invade your life and bring you down.
1, Today just LOOK UP AND AROUND and remind yourself of Jesus
2. Pray for Ps Nelu and Ps Traian and their families in Romanai that they would see a breakthrough in people coming to Christ and committing themselves to the church rather than leaving for other countries. Pray that new leaders will emerge.

Thank you and have an awesome day.

Great turn out last night. Brill.

Tonight at 7.30pm. One hour that will change situations.

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