
Prayer is central to everything. We are determined to develop a culture of prayer throughout St Pauls. We know that prayer opens the floodgates of Heaven and without it we are like a car trying to run without fuel. Prayer determines who we are and who we become.

Action without prayer is action. Action with prayer is Transformational.


ENCOUNTER – Mondays at 7pm in main church.

Together we come into God’s presence through praise, worship, and prayer. We listen to God’s voice and believe in the power of the Holy Spirit to bring healing, restoration and provision where needed. We pray for one another and exercise the gifts of the Holy Spirit to bring encouragement and words of wisdom. We pray for our families, our church, our city, our nation and beyond. Specific prayer ministry is available to individuals.


Discipleship Groups

Prayer is central to all discipleship groups.

Please follow this link if you would like to join a discipleship group.

Find out more about our Discipleship groups

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