What are you doing on the evening of Sunday May 20th?
Why? You may well ask.
Well it is Penetcost Sunday. So is there going to be a church service at St Paul’s then?
Actually no there isn’t. In fact there will not be an evening services at the majority of the churches in Worcester, or the sounding towns and villages. So now your probably thinking, “Why ever not?” Well that’s because, we are ALL coming together. To gather at Worcester Cathedral at 6:30pm, for an evening of pray for the City of Worcester. Churches from all over Worcester the surrounding villages are all meeting up as part of the Global prayer initiative, Thy Kingdom Come.
Below is a promotional video for your enjoyment.
There are several planning meetings in the coming weeks. We ask that you pray for the team, that are from a number of the churches in Worcester. As they come together to pray and organise this great event at Worcester Cathedral, and of course make sure you are there on May 20th at 6:30pm.