Our Week of Prayer for 2018 is taking place 8-12 January. We want to encourage everyone who is part of the family at St Paul’s church to join us in prayer for the coming year. Prayer meetings will be taking place every evening.

We will be transforming the Lower Meeting Room into a Prayer Room too. This will be available between 10am and 3pm Tuesday to Friday.

During this week our Life Groups will be spending time in prayer too.


Monday 8 January
7.30pm–8.30pm Prayer Session
PLUS 24/7 prayer (sign up on the sheet at the back of church)

Tuesday 9 January
7.30pm–8.30pm Prayer Session

Wednesday 10 January
1pm–2pm Lunchtime Prayer Session
7.30pm–8.30pm Prayer Session

Thursday 11 January
10.30am–11.30am Morning Prayer Session
7.30pm–8.30pm Prayer Session

Friday 12 January
7.30pm–8.30pm Prayer Session

Prayer Room (Lower Meeting Room) open 10am-3pm Tues-Fri

Let’s pray for His will to be done and for His Kingdom to come, in our church and in our families, in our city and in our nation and beyond!

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