During the month of June, St Paul’s church Worcester will be running a series of special events and services entitled “What If…?”

David Warren, senior Leader at St Paul’s, says “WHAT IF? is all about the community of St Paul’s being all it is called to be. It is what we can see and believe for in the future and therefore in faith what we can declare.”

“One of our values is that we would be a community that will together go wherever God calls us whatever the price. This is a huge challenge.”

The church leadership team believe God has spoken to us over recent months about walking into a new land. Some have described it as a whole new season.

David and the rest of the church leadership team want to encourage everyone to get involved, and come along to find out more. “WHAT IF? expresses our desire to obey God and as Abraham did ‘set out’ for the new land! (Genesis 12:5) We would love as many people as possible to join us on an exciting journey.”

For further details about the events and services taking place during June, go to the Events calendar on the website.

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